Satsuma Gengobei -Toyokuni III


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  2302631406 / 23057740536

Satsuma gengobei
Utagawa Toyokuni III/Kunisada (1786-1864)

The Sixty-odd Provinces of Great Japan - Around 1845, Kuniyoshi and Toyokuni III collaborated on a series depicting historic men and women or popular kabuki characters for each of the sixty-odd provinces of Japan. These great designs feature large, expressive figures by Kuniyoshi and Toyokuni III, with an inset of a related scene done by various students. 

From a series jointly designed by Kunisada and Kuniyoshi, with insets by various pupils of the two main artists.

SIGNEDKôchôrô Toyokuni ga (on main image); Monjin Sadatoshi ga (on inset)

MARKS Censor's seal: Watari

Estampe 1845     38 x 25 cm